Crisis Support in Clallam County
You deserve quality behavioral healthcare.
Everyone deserves access to quality, comprehensive behavioral healthcare. No one is denied services due to inability to pay or for reasons of race, creed, color, national origin, disability, religion, age, veteran status, gender, transgender status, or sexual orientation.
How to access services at Peninsula Behavioral Health
Walk in or call the Peninsula Behavioral Health main office during office hours to set up your Intake Appointment. We are located at 118 E 8th St; our main office line is (360) 457-0431.
What is an Intake Appointment?
You will have a meeting with an Intake Mental Health Professional who will listen to your concerns and ask questions about symptoms and experiences. The two of you will collaboratively determine your needs and discuss available resources. This appointment generally lasts 1.5 hours.
How will my services be paid?
PBH accepts Medicaid, Medicare, and many private insurance carriers. We offer financial services if assistance is needed.
PBH does not decline services for someone unable to pay.
To access services or obtain more information, please call or walk in to our main office (360) 457-0431 Monday-Friday, 8AM – 5PM.
If you have Medicaid or insurance through the States Apple Health program, you are invited to come in for an intake appointment every Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. You can check in between 7:45 AM and 2:00 PM. People are seen on a first-come, first-served basis, while slots are available
Contact crisis support in Clallam County.
Call the 24/7 Salish Regional Toll-Free Crisis Line for help.
A PBH Designated Crisis Responder (DCR) is available 24/7 for consultation and crisis intervention. On this page, you will find a list of additional local and national helplines. If your health situation is life-threatening, reach out for immediate emergency assistance by calling 911.
Salish Regional Toll-Free Crisis Line: 24-hour telephone crisis services serving Clallam, Jefferson, and Kitsap Counties. Online chat available at Calling this number after hours will route you to a trained professional who can help and/or dispatch a DCR from Peninsula Behavioral Health. (This program has replaced Crisis Clinic of the Peninsulas.)
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: Confidential and toll-free. Receive crisis counseling and mental health referrals right now. 1-800-273-TALK (8255)
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline Chat: Connect with counselors for emotional support via web chat. Available 24/7 across the US. Click here to chat now.
Crisis Text Line: Text CONNECT to 741741 from anywhere in the USA, anytime, about any type of crisis. A live, trained Crisis Counselor receives the text and is there to listen.
SAMHSA Treatment Referral Helpline: Call for general information on mental health and to locate treatment services in your area. Hours are 8AM – 8PM EST, Monday – Friday. 1-877-662-HELP (4257)
Veteran Crisis Line: Reach caring, qualified responders with the Department of Veterans Affairs. Many are veterans themselves. Services include telephone, chat, and support for deaf and hard of hearing. 1-800-273-8255 (Press 1)
Are you homeless or at risk of losing housing?
Peninsula Behavioral Health has resources for you and your family. Our PATH team can help you find support.
Call 1-888-910-0416 for 24/7 crisis help.
Help is available right now. Do not hesitate if you are in crisis. We encourage you to call the Salish Regional Toll-Free Crisis Line any time: 1-888-910-0416. You may also walk in to PBH during office hours for emergency crisis services.
You do not have to be a patient at Peninsula Behavioral Health to receive support in a crisis. We are here for you.

The Clallam County Respite Center opened in December 2014.
PBH is on a mission to reduce hospitalizations.
Hospitalizations for mental health crisis put an enormous burden on our community and each individual resident. PBH helps to minimize hospitalizations by operating a six-bed voluntary crisis stabilization program for adults.
Providing local crisis care reduces the cost of expensive inpatient treatment for many residents, and alleviates pressure on families, emergency rooms, the Port Angeles and Sequim Police Departments, and Clallam County Jail. PBH works with the Salish Regional Toll-Free Crisis Line to dispatch Designated Crisis Responders and provide residents with compassionate, effective, and individualized care.
If you feel you may be in crisis, please don’t hesitate. You do not need to be a current client of PBH to receive crisis support. Stop by our offices and request crisis help during clinic hours or call 1-888-910-0416 any time for crisis services.